About Us

We're a bunch of ordinary people who have met an extraordinary God through His Son, Jesus. We would love you to meet Him too! Redemption Hills Church is a community of people where everyone is on a journey of getting to know Him better. Jesus leads the church and He uses those who love Him to make Him known. At RHC we encourage everyone to be involved and learn to be used by God, led by a healthy team of leaders. It’s as if we are playing a team sport here, with all on the field going for it rather than sitting on the sidelines as spectators. We know that the Bible is the perfect roadmap for life and we stand on its incredible power and perfection. You'll find our gatherings to be fun, authentic and relaxed, where the Holy Spirit is welcome and working. We can't wait to meet you and make you feel at home.

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What To Expect

If you have never visited us before, you might be wondering what our church will be like!

You'll find ordinary and friendly people coming together to celebrate and allow Jesus in our ‘everyday’ happenings. We have Kids Church for ages 4-12 that is safe, engaging and fun. 

We don't take ourselves too seriously, so we have fun, and enjoy being together.

If you want to know more, come and visit us! We are growing quickly as Jesus is adding fantastic people every week. We're confident you'll feel welcome, comfortable and right at home.

If you would like to come to Kids Church watch this video for information to maker your visit easier.

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What We Believe

We believe the Bible is God's revelation of Himself and His purposes. He is the Author of the Bible and it alone reveals who He is and His plans for mankind. The Bible is the handbook for how we function best. Since He is the Author (all scripture is inspired by Him 2 Tim 3:16) and Protector of His Word we choose to trust it over other things like philosophy or human ideas.

Since we believe in the authority of the Bible we also believe in the leading and empowering of the Spirit of God for believers today. We believe the Holy Spirit is the expression of God on the earth here and now. Jesus Himself said it was for our advantage that He sent the Spirit (John 16:7).

We believe what God has said, as recorded in His Word, and what He is saying and doing by His Spirit today give life, health and safety to His Church.

Obviously, the Bible says much more than this. We simply want to say, the Bible's main focus is Jesus. He is our main focus! Knowing Him and making Him known is our purpose.




Steve & Barb Brown


Tim & Kate Oliver


Johann & Fiona Cerecke



Rob & Helen Van der vlisT


Location & Times

10.00am Sunday

The ARK, 9 Killafaddy Road

St. Leonards